key: G Tuning: E A D G B E
E|---------------| Repeat These Twice----------------
 /                   (Acoustic)                    \
/                                                   \

E|---3----3~-| D|----3----3~-|
B|----3---3~-| \                    A|-----3---3~-|   \
G|-----0--0~-| Repeat three times  F|------0--0~-|    Play After playing play the first riff three times
D|--2-----2~-| Repeat three times  C|---2-----2~-|    Play After playing play the first riff three times
A|-3------3~-| /                    G|--0------3~-|   /
E|-----------| C|------------|


Lead (Electric) Guitar comes in here

Play this slowly
B|------12-15~-----------12-15~---------------12-15~--------------| \
G|11-12------------11-12---------12-11--11-12---------11-12-14p12-| Repeat this twice first time
D|----------------------------------------------------------------| Repeat this twice first time
A|----------------------------------------------------------------| /

After that, play this

B|------12-15-------15-12-| \
G|11-12-------11-12-------| Repeat eight times, then play above twice again.
D|------------------------| Repeat eight times, then play above twice again.
A|------------------------| /

While the lead plays this, acoustic plays these chords, strumming patterns easy enough to figure out.

  __Play First__
 /              \
/                \
 C9         Em
D|-3-|       D|-0-|
A|-3-|       A|-0-|   \
F|-0-|       F|-0-|    Repeat this chord 3 times
C|-2-|       C|-2-|    Repeat this chord 3 times
G|-3-|       G|-2-|   /
C|---| C|-2-|

Then, play these chords

 Am         Em
D|-0-|     D|-0~-|
A|-1-|     A|-0~-|  \
F|-2-|     F|-0~-|   Repeat until end
C|-2-|     C|-2~-|   Repeat until end
G|-0-|     G|-2~-|  /
C|---| C|-2--|


Piano to Guitar Transposure

E|-7-5-3----3----3----7-----7| -3----3--7---7-5-3-2-3----3--7-----7------------|
B|----------5--5-5-----5-7-5---5--5-5----5---------5--5-5---5-7-5-------------| \
G|----------5-5--4-------------5-5--4--------------5-5--4----------5--5-5~----| Repeat As Needed
D|-----------------------------------------------------------------7-7--7~----| Repeat As Needed
A|----------------------------------------------------------------------------| /
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    Chords and artist

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