Tune half a step down. Guitar 1 strums this chord every once in a while... Eb|0| Bb|0| Gb|2| Db|3| Ab|3| Eb|1| ...and after awhile Guitar 2 kicks in with this... Eb|----------12-------------10--------------| Bb|-----10h12----------10h12-----13p12-13p12| Gb|10h12----------10h12---------------------| Db|-----------------------------------------| Ab|-----------------------------------------| Eb|-----------------------------------------| In the right speaker throughout the song, there's some guitar playing the same chord, but it's really distorted and hard to decipher, especially since I'm tabbing this out on my acoustic. Try xx245x, it sounds alright... During the last 30 seconds, a FOURTH guitar comes in and starts playing a chord. Plays xx2453, and sorta hit a few random notes in that chord. Credit to * at *