Em A Em I was born in old Virginny B A Em To North Carolina I did go; E A I fell in love with a pretty fair maiden E B Em And her name I did not know Em A Em Her hair was of some brightsome color B A Em Her cheeks were of a rosy red E A And in my heart I loved her dearly E B Em Many a tear for her I shed Em A Em To my heart you are my darling B A Em At my door you're welcome in; E A At my gate I'll meet you my darling E B Em Oh, if your love I could only win Em A Em When I am asleep I'm a-dreaming about you B A Em When I'm awake I find no rest E A And every moment seems like an hour E B Em With aching pains all across my breast Em A Em I'd rather be in some dark valley B A Em Where that sun don't never shine E A Than to see you another man's darling E B Em When I know that you should be mine Em A Em When I am dead and in my coffin B A Em And my feet's towards the sun E A Come and sit beside me darling E B Em Come and think on the way you done