Cifra Club

Dun Ringil

Jethro Tull

Chord: Principal (acoustic and electric guitars)
We Chords Seal: This chord has been reviewed to meet the official criteria of our Quality Team.
key: Ab (forma dos acordes no tom de F) Capotraste na 3ª casa
From * Tue Mar 29 03:40:02 EST 1994
Article: 3474 of *
Xref: * *:3474
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Path: *!*!torn!*!*!*!*!*!srgenprp!almanb
From: * (Bob Alman)
Subject: Re: Tull stuff
Sender: * (News Administrator)
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 17:54:49 GMT
Organization: HP Sonoma County (SRSD/MWTD/MID)
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9.4]
Lines: 146
Status: O

Erik Joseph Velapoldi (ejv2j@*) wrote:
: for the life of me can't get that arpeggiated section down.
: Anyone have any ideas?  Helpful tabs?  etc?

: erik v.
: *


Some time ago I tried to do an informal "Tull music list" and it all
Michalowski, and I (forgive me if I missed anyone) traded e-mail and
came up with the following version.  There was much exchange and a "tab"
was never arrived at.  However, I believe that the following is pretty
well along the way to playing it so it sounds good.  Be aware, however,
that there is more than one guitar playing this.  One is capo'ed at fret
3 the other is not capo'ed.  This is apparent if you listen closely to
the bass line.  Feel free to e-mail me if you have questions.  BTW, does
anyone out there know Baker Street Muse, any part of it?  I haven't had
the time/patience to sit down and figure it out.  Enjoy.

Bob Alman

Clear light on a slick palm
   as I misdeal the day
Slip the night from a shaved pack
   make a marked card play
Call twilight hours down
   from a heaven home
   high above the highest bidder
   for the good Lord's throne.

In the wee hours I'll meet you
   watch the old gods play

We'll wait in stone circles
   'til the force comes through -
   lines join in faint discord
   and the Stormwatch brews
   a concert of Kings
   as the white sea snaps
   at the heels of a soft prayer

In the wee hours I'll meet you
   take you quickly


Capo on third Fret.

All the picked notes are triplets, in the space of one measure of the 4/4
time signature. In the main repeating sequence, the pair of strummed chords are played as a triplet with the first two notes tied (effectively "swung" 

Main repeating sequence:
Play A minor chord. Use your little finger to finger these notes in turn:
5th string, open
6th string, 3rd fret
6th string, 2nd fret

In the first 3 triplets, pick the sequence of strings: (5/6), 3, 2
After the third triplet, strum the A minor chord, removing the first finger
from the 2nd string on the second strum.

Then finger D Major, and pick strings: 5, 3, 2  (as above)
Then strum the D Major chord, this time removing the finger off the 1st
string the second time.

       x__x__o__ __ __
  1    |__|__|__|__|__|
  2    |__|__|__*__|__* e
        ^: strike strings from e->E

Capo at III

                      v ^  v    ^ v   ^ v ^ v ^ v ^    v ^ v ^ v  ^
g:|----2-----2---2----2----2-|----2---2--0----2---2--2-|And again this patrn

    Clear  light from a         slick palm ...                 As I
    Miss   deal  the day
    Slip the night from    a    shaved pack                    make a
    marked card       play
    Call   twilight   hours     down                           From a
    Hea-   ven        home      
    High   above the  highest   bidder                         for  the
    good   Lord's     throne                                   In the ...

    watch the  Gods   play
    by Dun Rin-       gill

    C              D                                         G

    v ^ v ^ v ^    v ^ v ^ v ^   v ^ v ^ v ^   v ^ v ^ v ^   v ^  v ^ v ^   

    wee hours I'll meet   you ...                            down by  Dun

    v ^ v ^ v ^    v ^ v ^ v ^   
D:|-3-----3---3--|-3-----3-3-3--| ... from beginning

    Ringill ....

We'll wait in stone circles
 'til the force comes through.
Lines join in faint discord
 as the Stormwatch brews.
A concert of Kings
 as the white sea snaps.
And the heels of a soft prayer

In the wee hours I'll meet you
  now take you quickly

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      • A
      • Bb
      • B
      • C
      • Db
      • D
      • Eb
      • E
      • F
      • F#
      • G
      • Ab
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