Lone boat on the harbor
When I dream I dream of you
You're walking on the water
A thousand years pass by, pass through me
By how many faces have we known each other
And as the mist floats in each day
I feel your arms around me
And faintly sense a steering me this way or that
As if somehow you have found me
Oh, lord, I'm drifting without reason
For direction that is true
I'm just a lone boat on the harbor
Trying to make it home to you
And all the rusty keys won't work
In any door I've tried
Oh spirit me away from this hurt
I am floating, I am waiting, I am light

People wave from dockside offer shelter from the storm
But they don't owe me, and they don't know me
And anyway these aren't my shores... These aren't my shores
Instrumental verse
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