And there's nothing like haste to make you stick in your way
But you never even get a second place
And no one ever looks to see your worth
Right now you feel like the last man
On spaceship earth
On spaceship earth
And there's nothing like a past to bring up your pain
But you never even notice as you're taken away
And it's too late to try to end things fast
Unless you're the last man
On spaceship earth
On spaceship earth
And there's nothing like a hole to hang on the future
But it's such a long drive to even reach that
And there’s no point in waiting for a change
You must behave as if you're the last man
On spaceship earth
On spaceship earth
And something like the Sun falls over the horizon
And no one ticks away as the decade's dying
It's the end of the millennium, a virgin birth
You sold the wild hopes of the last man
On spaceship earth
On spaceship earth