key: Am Tuning: E A D G B E
Main Riff


| b  Bend
| h  Hammer-on
| ~  Vibrato


How far have we fallen, how far can we go?
How far will we fall, if there’s nothing below
You stand on a rock, suspended in air
Emblazoned with sunlight keenly aware, that we’ve
Broken free, something has changed
A tear in the fabric, some tiles rearranged

We are the no men in no man’s land
We are the no men in no man’s land

C                         G
Darkness the one thing we all understand
C                    G
We are the no men in no man’s land

Main Riff
We are the no men in no man’s land

And the truth will rise above, and fiction fall beneath
Although the lies may bite, the truth has all the teeth
You see us as a window, you’re happy that we’re here
Exposed to all the elements, while inside all is clear

Bridge: (with oooh’s)
    E             C               E              C
But if you hold a mirror, and you turn it to one side
    E                 C                 G
The depth you see within at first, will find a place to hide

We are the no men in no man’s land
We are the no men in no man’s land
We are the no men in no man’s land
We are the no men in no man’s land
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