Cifra Club

I Feel Fine

The Beatles

Harmonica tabs: Principal
We Chords Seal: This chord has been reviewed to meet the official criteria of our Quality Team.
Tipo de gaita: Diatônica
Tom: C

4/4 time - bright rock.

-8  -9   8   -7 7   -7   7      7    -8  -9 8  -7
Ba-by's good to me, you know,_ she's hap-py as can

7    -7   7     7   -8  -8
be, you know,_ she said so;


-8  -8  -8    -8/   7    7  -7/ -7/   6
I'm in love__ with here and I__ feel fine.____

-87 '87 '87 '87   7    7  -8  8   -8
I'm so glad that she's my lit-tle girl;

-87  -87  -87 '8    8    7   -6     6    -6   -7
She's so glad she's tel-ling all__ the world that

7   -8 '9  7   -7    7     -7   7     7  -8   -9
her ba-by buys her things, you know,_ he buys her

7    -7    7   -7   7      7   -8  -8
dia-mond rings you know,_ she said so;

-8    -8  -8   -8/  7   7  -7/ -7/   6
She's in love_ with me and I__ feel fine.____

Verse 2:

Ba-by's says she's mine, you know, she tells am all the
time, you know, she said so;

Repeat Chorus

*Chords, singles notes, & bends
are mixed together for this song.
The chords are displayed with
2 numbers together, without spaces.
Bends have / behind the draw number.
Bend down 1/2 step.
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