E|----------| B|----------| G|----------| This is really easy to play and learn. D|-7-7---5-2| A|-7-7---5-2| E|-5-5---3-0| I'll give you the timing for the first line A little sexual fru---stra---tion E|-------------------| B|-------------------| G|-------------------| D|--7------7-----5--2| A|--7------7-----5--2| And so on. Just repeat it. E|--5------5-----3--0| When it comes to "Two weeks ago" It changes to this. ! IS A PAUSE. There is a slit pause there. E|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------| D|-13--| !-13--11--!-11--9--!-9--11--!-11 A|-13--| !-13--11--!-11--9--!-9--11--!-11 Repeat this again. E|-11--| !-11--09--!-09--7--!-7--09--!-09 Then after that part it comes to the middle section. Play this: E|-----------------------------| B|-----------------------------| G|-----------------------------| D|-----------------------------| A|-----------------------------| E|--0-2-------7-----0-2-------7| Milo's solo parts, figure out where they are yourself, I'm too tired to do it. The only note you play is A E|----------------------------| B|----------------------------| G|----------------------------| D|----------------------------| A|--0----0-3-4---5-7--10-11-12| Play this twice. E|----------------------------| Then it changes to this: E|-----------------------------| B|-----------------------------| G|-----------------------------| D|-----------------------------| Play this twice too but on the second A|--4----4-7-8---9-11--14-15-16| one, don't play the last two notes. E|-----------------------------| When it goes to double time when he sings "I don't want to go to work, my libido's gone beserk, I don't want nothing to eat, walking up and down street" Play this: E|-------------------------------| B|-------------------------------| G|-------------------------------| D|-7-7-7-7--5-5-5-5--7-7-7-7--5-5| A|-7-7-7-7--5-5-5-5--7-7-7-7--5-5| E|-5-5-5-5--3-3-3-3--5-5-5-5--3-3| Start this at "work"